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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gadgets you ever thought of


Pillete, the new concept of Bluetooth headset is so tiny, it’s almost invisible to the untrained eye when you are wearing it. So you don’t have to worry anymore about looking like Robocop when walking down the street with it, but you have to consider the possibility of people starting to think you’ve lost your marbles and you’re talking to yourself.

The downside is the fact that people have different sized ears and the device might be too small and slip out or to big and not fit. People who often use earphones will tell you I’m right. But once they’ll figure out a way to make the Pillete adjustable, this design will be the future of all headsets.

Sonic Screwdriver

This Sonic Screwdriver is a gadget for all those Doctor Who fans that weren’t satisfied with just th Tardis USB hub. Remember that saying, “if it’s made like a screwdriver and it looks like a screwdriver, it must be a screwdriver”? Oh, and you are so very wrong! It actually has a pen on one head and a beam of UV light at the other.

So now you you can write anything you want with UV ink and not worry about other people reading it. Just imagine handing your boss an amazingly favorable report and between the lines your real thoughts. Ha, ha, ha what a subtle revenge. And the revenge cost

Although all modern gadgets have the goal to combine good-looks with multifunctional technology and effectiveness, this is so much better then the others! Why? Because you can actually wear it! It has all the cool stuff in it like a Bluetooth and built-in MP3 player or touch sensitive control pads. But the ability through which its promoted is its compatibility with GPSoverIP. It uses a hybrid GPS technology which enables you to look for the person wearing the jacket even inside a building. The person who wears the io-Jacket can upload the information to a mobile phone or to the internet giving the watcher (probably a deranged parent) the opportunity of observing his/her every move. Londefrey, the company which produces it has sold one for humanitarian causes carrying out an auction in the purpose of saving money for the “Humans for Humans” foundation. It seems though that none other have been made for commercial purposes so we just have to sit and wait.

the SciFi ChairAfter the development of gaming chairs that move according to the games action and computer beds designed so that you end up being a “computer potato” and never see anything else weather you’re awake or sleeping, now G-Tech Neber releases a chair that confirms the theory that sitting correctly on a chair is so overrated.

This new SciFi chair is at present on show in Korea. The design includes so much chrome, that it actually looks like one of those Matrix chairs - you don’t have to take the blue pill. The company says that, giving so much support to the back, head, hands, wrists, back and feet, the chair is completely ergonomical. Also, having the curved back, the chair gives you the opportunity to seat in any position you want. Just look at the picture, it looks so cool!

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